Local Opinion: Take a Bow-wow, Guys

By Capper the dog Scottsdale Progress December 1992

I have one of those humans who’s a constant source of embarrassment. Just Saturday, she did it to me again at the PetSmart on the corner of Scottsdale Road and Gold Dust Avenue. No, she didn’t make me have my photo taken with Santa. I put my paw down last year after being too big to sit on Santa’s lap. This time, she was helping me get into the car to leave, and she set her “keys,” as she calls them, on the dash to free her right hand. Then she locked the car door and shut it good and tight, with the keys still on the dash.

Now, I don’t understand the mechanics of a car too well, but my guess by the fuss that ensued outside was she needed those keys to get back in. Not a window cracked, either. Hmmm, this could get a little warm. A PetSmart employee tried to help break into the car with a piece of metal, but obviously he didn’t do this for a living. About 15 minutes later, my human seemed to be panicking, and she went to the nearby phone and dialed 911.

A Rural/Metro fire truck showed up shortly, and a fireman took about 30 seconds to get the door open. Then he looked at me with my spots and said: “Oh yeah, we’ll save you.” My heroes. Now, I love my human, don’t get me wrong, but I’d hate to think what would happen to pets like me if not for the kindness of these strangers in uniform. Thanks, guys. I owe you one. Next time I see a fire hydrant, I’ll keep walking.

Capper, a Scottsdale Dalmatian, belongs to Scottsdale Life editor Joan McKenna. Readers are invited to submit brief commentaries on local topics. Write: Local Opinion, P.O. Box 1150, Scottsdale, 85252, or fax 946-9354.

